Kalpataru Power Transmission said it has bagged orders worth Rs 1,200 crore. "Kalpataru Power Transmission Limited (KPTL) and its international subsidiaries has secured new orders/notification of awards of Rs 1,290 crore," the company said in a statement. Manish Mohnot, Managing Director & CEO, KPTL, said in the statement, "We are
delighted with the new order wins across our business verticals. The T&D (transmission and distribution) orders will help us to consolidate our presence in key T&D markets like Middle East and Latin America. The new orders in the oil & gas and railways business has further strengthen our order book."
KPTL's total order intake year till date in FY23 is around Rs 6,890 crore, which reflects significant growth compared to similar period last financial year, he said. Additionally, he said, the company has a strong L1 position and robust visibility across all its businesses, "which gives us confidence to achieve our targeted growth going forward".
KPTL is one of the largest specialised engineering and procurement companies engaged in power transmission and distribution, oil & gas pipeline, railways and civil infrastructure business. KPTL is currently executing projects in over 30 countries and has global footprints in 67 countries.