JSW Steel on Tuesday told its crude steel output leaped over two-fold to 13.71 lakh tonne (LT) during April 2021. The firm had formed 5.63 LT in April 2020, JSW Steel expressed in a statement.
On a month-on-month (m-o-m) basis, the crude steel output sank 5 per cent. The firm had
produced 14.46 LT crude steel in March 2021. Throughout April, the company's production of flat-rolled products climbed about three-fold to 9.57 LT, from 3.44 LT in the same month last year.
The production in April was 9 per cent lower as related to the 10.50 LT of flat-rolled products production in March 2021.
JSW Steel produced 3.37 LT long-rolled products in the month under review, higher from 0.89 LT in April 2020.
Production of 3.37 LT long-rolled products in April 2021 was 5 per cent lesser, from 3.54 LT production in March 2021.
JSW Steel Ltd NSE -2.85 % is the leading company of the diversified $12 billion JSW Group which has a leading existence in segments such as steel, energy, infrastructure, cement, sports among others.