Jindal Stainless Ltd (JSL) announced that it will spend Rs 120 crore to install rooftop solar capabilities at its sites in Jajpur and Hisar. JSL said in a statement that additional rooftop solar capacity of 6 MWp will be installed at the
company's unit in Hisar in addition to the 21 MWp project that will be built in Jajpur. "The two rooftop solar plants will be generating about 795 million units of electricity, with a carbon abatement potential of 5,64,450 tonnes in a span of 25 years," it said. Both the projects are scheduled to be completed by March 2024, the company said, adding that the energy generated will be for captive usage.
Abhyuday Jindal, managing director of JSL, said: "To reach our net zero goal, this is a critical step. We are committed to using ethical business practises and lowering our carbon footprint. We shall go on doing this." The business's Hisar division has already started 4.1 MWp rooftop solar projects, which can produce 110.7 million power units and cut 78,597 tonnes of CO2 emissions. According to the statement, the corporation cut its carbon emissions by 1.4 lakh tonnes in 2021–2022.