According to an announcement by Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, India plans to welcome three new semiconductor chip in the coming months, attracting between $8 billion and $12 billion in investment, media reported. It follows semiconductor giant AMD opening the AMD Technostar RandD campus, its largest global engineering center, in Bengaluru, southern India.
After a few months, I can tell you that we have at least three more units in the country producing advanced chip technologies The Union Minister was quoted as inaugurating the Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) design center in Bangalore.
In September, Gujarat held a groundbreaking ceremony for the country's first micron chip package.
Construction of Micronand's semiconductor plant, announced in June, has started in September 2023. The rapid development progress has significantly boosted confidence in India and the semiconductor industry, the Union Minister added.
It may be recalled that in June, the Gujarat government signed a MoU with US computer storage chip maker Micron to set up a $2.75 billion semiconductor facility in Sanand, Ahmedabad district of Gujarat. This is the first semiconductor factory in India, Vaishnaw said. He also said that the first chips would be manufactured within 18 months.
It is pertinent to note that the global semiconductor industry is undergoing major changes led by the likes of TSMC, South Korea and Intel, and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the weaknesses in this global supply chain as downtime and disruptions have a far-reaching impact on smartphones. And other industries. This highlights the crucial need to diversify sources of critical components.
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