R K Singh, the Union power minister, officially launched the green energy open access portal. The portal will make it possible for power users with approved loads of 100 Kw or more to obtain renewable energy.
Under the new system, any consumer with a sanctioned load of 100 kW or more "can get renewable energy through open access portal from any renewable energy generating plant set up by himself or by any developer," a statement said.
It may be noted here that green energy open access is allowed to any consumer with load limit reduced from 1,000 kW to 100 kW.
As per the rules, the open access has to be granted within 15 days. The application for open access can be made through the portal.
"The approval for green energy open access will be granted in 15 days or else it will be deemed to have been granted, subject to the fulfilment of technical requirements through the portal," the statement added.
The portal can be accessed at https://greenopenaccess.in/ for processing of applications related to green energy open access by the stakeholders including open access participants, traders, power exchanges, national/regional/state load despatch centres, central/state transmission utilities, news agency PTI reported.
According to the official statement, the portal "provides a transparent, simplified, uniform and streamlined procedure for granting open access to green energy that will be key to facilitating deepening of electricity markets and enabling integration of Renewable Energy (RE) resources into the grid."
The Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy through Green Energy Open Access) Rules, 2022 were notified in June 2022. These rules seek to promote generation, purchase and consumption of green energy — including energy from waste-to-energy plants.
This is part of the Power ministry initiatives for India's transition to green energy, some of which have reached advanced stages.