"The government is expected to provide financial incentives of Rs 79 crore for white goods under the PLI in the fourth quarter of this fiscal as some profitable companies start production," a senior official said. The Home Appliance Liaison Initiative (PLI) program encourages the construction of air conditioners and lighting units.
The official also said that Rs 11,000 crore of incentive spending for various sectors under the scheme during the current fiscal will fall. And most of the spending will come in the last financial year. The white goods segment is expected to spend around Rs 79 crore in the last quarter. said the official
In the household appliances sector, 15 of the 64 selected beneficiaries of the PLI program have started production. These 15 people have been selected for a pregnancy period until March 31, 2022. The rest of the recipients have opted for a pregnancy period until March 31, 2023, and are in different stages of implementation. The plan will be implemented over seven years, from 2021-22 to 2028-29, with an expenditure of Rs 6,238 crore.
Asked about expansion plans for businesses such as toys, an official said, "We will review the plan and then take a decision." We are keeping records and would like to update you on progress at this time. In some areas, progress is better. In others, change is needed. Inter-ministerial discussions are therefore ongoing."
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