MNRE Secretary Bhupinder Singh Bhalla, the government has planned incentives totaling more than Rs 17,000 crore to encourage the production of electrolysers and green hydrogen throughout the nation. A portion of the incentive programme for the creation of green hydrogen has been finalised and will shortly be implemented, as has the draught incentive programme for the manufacture of electrolyzers.
The incentives will be offered as part of a plan, and a draught of that plan has already been created. The action will increase demand for the renewable energy source. To promote green hydrogen, the government is already collaborating with the relevant departments.
The Ministry is also working on offering incentives for the generation of green hydrogen and electrolyzers. The draught of the incentive programme for the manufacture of electrolyzers and a portion of the incentive programme for the generation of green hydrogen have been finalised and will be implemented soon, according to the MNRE Secretary. Up until 2030, the Hydrogen Mission will provide incentives totaling more than Rs 17,000 crore, which will be distributed in phases so that the government may learn from the first tranche and improve the second.
The International Conference on Green Hydrogen will take place in New Delhi from July 5 to 7, 2023, the official added. Ajay Yadav, Joint Secretary at MNRE, stated that the three-day conference will take place in Vigyan Bhawan next month and will have over 25 sessions.
The stakeholders will be gathered at the event to talk about cutting-edge technology across the whole value chain for green hydrogen. The first conference on hydrogen in India will feature about 1,500 participants from both inside and outside of India, including those from the US, EU, Japan, and other nations.
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