The managing director of the company, Ishver Dholakiya, Gujarat-based Goldi Solar is now investing more than Rs 5,000 crore to increase its module manufacturing capacity to 6 GW. Dholakiya, who is also the company's creator, the company can already produce modules at a total capacity of 2.5 GW.
In response to a question regarding the company's development goals, he stated, "We are in the process of investing over Rs 5,000 crore as part of our expansion plans to increase module manufacturing from 2.5 GW to 6 GW." He asserted that the expansion of the renewable energy sector would concentrate on its supporting sectors, such as the production of junction boxes, backsheet, and aluminium frames.
He added that the investment will be made by 2025 and that his company also planned to hire more than 4,500 individuals for a total workforce of more than 5,500 by that year. We intend to employ 25% of the employees from the indigenous communities nearby its prospective manufacturing location. At a talent development centre, we will run a three-month certification curriculum, the managing director announced.
Dholakiya, Goldi Solar and L&T Public Charitable have teamed up to teach a professional workforce in the solar manufacturing industry. The investment plan also calls for the construction of cell production facilities. Following the start of cell production, the capacity for cell production will be expanded to 5 GW. In Pipodara, Goldi Solar operates two factories that produce modules.
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