A Rs 2,209.84 crore deal for the supply and installation of 21.77 lakh smart pre-paid power metres was announced by Genus Power Infrastructures' subsidiary. A letter of award (LOA) for Rs 2,209.84 crore (net of tax) has been given to the corporation for the hiring of an advanced metering infrastructure service provider.
This includes designing the advanced metering infrastructure and providing, installing, and commissioning 21.77 lakh prepaid smart metres under the redesigned distribution sector plan (RDSS).
"With the addition of these orders, our total backlog now exceeds Rs 8,200 crore (net of taxes)." "The'reforms-based, result-linked power distribution sector scheme' has had a positive impact, as evidenced by the fact that numerous state electricity boards have started the process of inviting bids for the deployment of smart metres," it said. According to our analysis, the company forecasts a significant increase in order volumes in the upcoming quarters of the current fiscal year.
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