Automaker Force Motors plans to invest around Rs 2,000 crore in the next three to four years in various activities, including sustainability drive and electric vehicle development, according to the company's managing director, Prasan Firodia. The company, which sells a range of commercial and utility vehicles, is looking to bring electric versions of its vans' ranges step by step in the future.
"At a company level, we are looking at about Rs 2,000 crore investment over the next three to four years," Firodia told PTI in an interview.
He was responding to a query on the company's overall investment plans.
"The investment will be across conventional engines, EVs, upgrading further engineering facilities, creating a more sustainable environment. It is across the board and the value chain," Firodia added.
The company, which showcased its Traveller Electric, Urbania Diesel, and Traveller CNG at the Bharat Mobility Global Expo, has embarked on an electrification drive. However, it will continue with its conventional engine vehicles.
"On electrification, the investment will be anywhere around Rs 200 to Rs 300 crore," he said, adding the first electric offering will be the Traveller Electric.
Sharing the company's electrification plans, Firodia said, "Consistently, every six months, one after the other, the various variants of Traveller (will be electrified). Also, by the end of the next year, our Urbania will come with an electric (version)."
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