The biggest cement factory in Bengal the Dalmia Cement Bharat (DCB) to start production of its unit from Wednesday. It has announced commencement of commercial production of Line 2, having a capacity of 2.2 million tonne per annum (MTPA), at its Bengal Cement Works (BCW) unit in Midnapore.
With this addition, the company’s overall capacity at the Midnapore plant has now gone to 4 MTPA per annum, making it the largest cement plant in
the state. “This development is in line with the comapny’s commitment towards fostering sustainable growth while also creating job opportunities in the region,” it stated in a release on Wednesday.
The cement maker stated post the lockdown-led demand interruption, the cement sector has been continuously witnessing buoyancy across the country. This is largely led by a revival in demand from the infrastructure and urban housing sectors along with the demand from individual home builders and the government’s rural housing schemes, especially from East and Central regions. Hence, the onset of commercial production at the BCW Unit will be catering to the growing demand from the Eastern and North-eastern states of the country.
Speaking on the development, Ujjwal Batria, COO, Dalmia Cement (Bharat), stated, “With the beginning of commercial production, we are confident that we will further provide impetus to construction in the region and cater to the strong demand for cement from both rural and urban center’s. This addition will also play a crucial role to ensure sufficient and timely supplies thereby adding to efficiencies of the supply chain.”