Dalmia Cement (Bharat) (DCBL), a subsidiary of Dalmia Bharat, commenced commercial production at its Murli Plant in Chandrapur district, Maharashtra and announced to add 2.9 million tonne (MnT) cement capacity to the company's overall installed capacity. Its installed cement capacity has now grown to 35.9 MnT.
The company acquired the plant for Rs 410 crore and further committed to invest Rs 929 crore for the revival, modernisation, expansion and installing green manufacturing equipment viz waste heat recovery systems, solar power, green fuel systems and robotic labs for enhanced
quality monitoring.
Earlier, Dalmia Bharat had brought its long-term growth and investment strategy to expand its installed cement capacity across the nation to 110-130 million tonnes per annum by 2031.
The growth strategy is being executed through a mix of organic & inorganic opportunities with focus towards a more planned and cost-effective organic route.
Puneet Dalmia, managing director, Dalmia Bharat, said, "We have hit the road running this year by aggressively following through with our growth strategy nationally. For the western market, in particular, we continue to take our responsibility as a corporate leader seriously by creating a progressive and sustainable ecosystem. Moving forward, and in partnership with the great state of Maharashtra, we look forward to focusing on our ambitious business, social and sustainability goals."
DCBL is a leading player in the cement manufacturing segment. With a growing capacity, currently pegged at 35.9 MnT, Dalmia Cement is the the fourth-largest cement manufacturing group in India by installed capacity.
The Shares of Dalmia Bharat were up 0.33% at Rs 2012.05.