State-owned Coal India Ltd (CIL) is planing to set up two thermal plants with an investment totaling Rs 21,547 crore in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh, an official statement said. While one project is planned near Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh, the other is at Sundergarh district, in Odisha. "CIL has planned to set up two thermal power plants. One is being set up as a joint venture with the Madhya Pradesh government near Amarkantak," the Ministry of Coal said.
It will be a 1 x 660 MW plant at an estimated cost of Rs 5,600 crore, the Ministry said adding the project is in advanced stages of approval. South Eastern Coalfields Ltd (SECL), a subsidiary of CIL, will invest Rs 857 crore as equity in the project to be implemented in a joint venture between SECL and Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Ltd, it added.
The work on the project is likely to start by the end of this financial year and is likely to be completed by 2028. The Ministry further said Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) has set up Mahanadi Basin Power Limited as a wholly-owned subsidiary. MCL is also a CIL subsidiary.
The company is planning to set up a 2x800 MW pithead plant thermal power plant near its Basundhara mines, in Sundergarh district, Odisha. "The estimated project cost is Rs 15,947 crore. Work on the project is likely to start by the middle of the next year and likely to be completed by 2028," it said.
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