Gujarat based Chiripal Group announced it has launched Grew Grew Energy Pvt Ltd, a solar component manufacturing company, under Chiripal Renewables. With this, the textiles company has stepped into the renewable energy space. It said in a statement Grew aims to provide
indigenous solar components for PV modules at a competitive value. "Over the next four years, the facility will catalyse a manufacturing capacity of 4 GW PV Modules, 3 GW PV cells, and 300 tonnes/day of Tempered Glass. Initially, the manufacturing will be equipped with its first 2 GW of fully automated unit in Rajasthan, while the other manufacturing facilities will branch across India in a phased manner,” said Vinay Thadani, Director, Grew Energy.
The company hopes to commence production work in June 2023 and will cover manufacturing of components required for the solar ecosystem in 3-4 years. It has also ventured into solar infrastructure installation.
The company said it has a vision to become the next renewable energy giant with its innovative solar solutions and its efforts are committed to a faster transition to renewable energy in India.