Three material recovery facility (MRF) centres operated by the municipal corporation will have rooftop solar energy power plants with robotic cleaning equipment in a first for the city. The 6.69 crore project has received approval from the Chandigarh Renewal Energy and Science and Technology Promotion Society (Crest) of the UT administration. A 450 kilowatt solar plant will be installed at each MRF centre, bringing the total to 1,350 kilowatts (1.35 megawatt). Around 5.85 lakh units of power would be produced overall year.
The estimated annual revenue from each MRF solar pant is Rs 29 lakh, bringing the total revenue to Rs 87 lakh. The MC would receive a yearly payment of Rs. 26 lakh. Nitin Kumar Yadav, Crest's president and home secretary, served as meeting's moderator while the project was discussed and ultimately approved. Senior administrators from various departments of the administration, including the environment and finance, as well as the MC, attended the meeting. The robotic facility was the first of its kind, so officials received a technical briefing on how it would be installed and run.
"It will be challenging to manually clean the MRF centres, as others do, due to their height. To enable automatic cleaning of the solar panels, a robotic facility must be made available "a senior official said.
The municipal corporation plans to install solar panel rooftops in every one of its buildings in the upcoming fiscal year with the goal of focusing on solar energy and regularly converting this endeavour into its new revenue production segment. Since the municipal body authority has already created a thorough strategy in this regard, it has been included in the authority's next financial budget.