Bharat Biotech has increased its manufacturing capacity across multiple facilities in Hyderabad and Bangalore to produce 700 million doses of Covaxin annually. The government on Monday permitted a payment of about 4,500 crore rupees as advance to vaccine makers including Bharat Biotech and Serum Institute of India (SII) that is making AstraZeneca’s Covishield in India. The move came ahead of opening the vaccination drive to all citizens over 18 years of age.
SII will supply 200 million doses and Bharat Biotech is established to supply another 90 million doses to the government by July at a pre-agreed rate of 150 rupees per dose.
Bharat Biotech said manufacturing has been scaled up in a step-wise manner, and raw and packing materials, and single-use consumables have been secured effectively. The firm said it is able to increase Covaxin’s manufacturing capacity in a short time due to the availability of new specially designed BSL-3 facilities, a first-of-its-kind for manufacturing in India.
Bharat Biotech stated, manufacturing partnerships are being discovered in other countries with facilities that have prior expertise with commercial scale manufacture of inactivated viral vaccines under biosafety containment.
To further increase capacities, Bharat Biotech has teamed up with Indian Immunologicals (IIL) to manufacture the drug substance for Covaxin. The technology transfer process is underway and IIL has the capabilities and expertise to produce inactivated viral vaccines at commercial scale and under biosafety containment.