Manufacturing industry in India is on a path of continual growth owing to its advantages of abundant natural resources and affordable skilled workforce. Leveraging these advantages, India’s manufacturing industry has become a breeding ground for manufacturers of a wide range of products. Noticing its incessant progress, we have focused on the manufacturing industry in this special issue. The cover story of this issue features Rolex Rings which is among top five leading manufacturers of forged and machined components in India. Providing world-class, customized automotive components to customers, Rolex Rings has established itself as a one-stop shop for its product line with specific value-added procedures, necessitating a variety of capacities and capabilities. The company has a wide range of products with application in various industries across the globe – automobile (2w to LCV), industrial, and railways, off-highway vehicles, heavy commercial vehicles, and windmills. Also featuring in the issue is AAF India which is one of the world's largest commercial and industrial air filter manufacturers, recognized globally for quality, expertise, and innovation in air filtration. It is a Daikin Group company, the world's leading air conditioning product manufacturer, which has been leading the air filtration market with a presence for over 17 years. The issue also covers OBO Bettermann which has more than 100 years of rich experience and provides standard-compliant lightning protection components. Established in 1911, OBO Bettermann has achieved many milestones like pioneering in developing the first connectable type 2 surge protection device with VDE test mark or type 1 lightning current arrester with carbon technology. Reading further, you will find more such stories.
In addition, the issue also acquaints you with the other top companies in this domain. After studying the industry landscapes in-depth, we have zeroed in on the top companies that have excelled in this field with their meticulous approach. Having proven their dedication in order to meet the customer expectations in an end-to-end manner, these companies have stood out from the crowd.
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