According to the World Bank, by 2050, waste production will increase by 73 percent, and this increase will be primarily driven by middle-income countries, where waste generation will nearly double over the next three decades and significantly contribute to the growing volume of municipal solid waste (MSW). Concerning this issue, Somu Solutions, a rapidly expanding and industry-leading company that implements contracts for public health such as the Waste management process, is developing a green atmosphere to join Clean India Mission and save the planet.
“Somu Solutions, established in Mumbai is a dominant corporation involved in turnkey projects of sizeable MSW processing facilities for a municipal corporation. We mainly trade and manufacture segregation machines with daily processing capacities ranging from 25-600 MT, which is expandable. Also, we manufacture small composting machines for corporative societies, hotels, and parks with a daily processing capacity of 100-200 kg”, says Ropson George, CEO, Somu Solutions.
Waste Segregation
Somu Solutions has entered waste management by utilizing cutting-edge technology for mixed solid waste segregation via Zero waste technology to convert maximum trash into recyclables and reusable with this method. This technique aids in reducing the amount of SLF residue, and this waste processing technology generates several by-products from mixed solid waste, resulting in minimal residue.
Plant set up by Somu Solutions for municipal corporations with daily processing capacities ranging from 25-600 MT includes Trommel Machine, Plastic Separator, Conveyors, Bag Opener, Auto Feeder, Air Density Separator, Destoner, Magnetic separator, Organic Waste Shredder, Grab Bucket, and Plastic Fluff Feeder which are used to process mixed solid waste in zero waste technology.
Municipal solid waste processing by Somu Solutions involves gathering biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable waste and sorting it using a segregation machine. Wet wastes are processed by compost processing machinery and transformed into organic manure or fertilizers, which contributes to a 35 percent reduction in waste. Polymers are transformed into ingots for use in the plastic recycling sector, and metals are sold to their respective recycling industries this lead to 45 percent of trash reduction. Through shredding and refining, dry waste is transformed into refused-derived fuel by RDF processing machinery, a green fuel utilized in power plants and cement factories to reduce waste by 75-80 percent.
Somu Solutions' critical challenges in solid waste management are when wet and dry waste is mixed over an extended period; it causes issues in the segregation process. The moisture content of dry waste increases as it is combined with wet waste for an extended period. Making excellent by-product, especially RDF, becomes tough owing to high moisture content because food waste is diluted with non-organic trash. The sale of by-products from such dry wastes will be challenging in the future. Henceforth, excessive non-organic trash is discharged with the residue for waste disposal at times. So a good practice would be to separate dry and wet waste at its origin.
Somu Solution provides zero-waste solutions for municipal corporations, nagarpalika, gram panchayat, & corporate societies
"Daily, our segregation machine separates mixed trash into dry waste, wet waste, and Plastics, improving RDF quality and by-product efficiency. It contributes to ensuring high-quality by-product as desired by the market and reduces residue for landfill", shares, Ropson.
Ultimately, Somu Solutions strives to give its customers unrivaled service in the trash processing business by developing an organization that encourages people to recycle rather than trash it and promotes cleanliness by preventing pollution and protecting people's health across the country. "We want to be the premier provider of MSW processing services and the supplier of choice for all of our clients by providing great value for money on all of our services", concludes Ropson.
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