The roofing industry has various options, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Before deciding, it's critical to examine the roofing material carefully. The roof, after all, plays a critical role in covering your home and family. Furthermore, the last thing you want is to choose a roofing shingle that does a bad job of protecting the home and requires continuous repair, which can become rather costly as time goes on. When contemplating your roofing alternatives, you should consider roofing shingles from TECHNONICOL
What exactly are roofing shingles?
Bitumen roofing shingles, often known as flexible shingles, are sculpturally carved shingles, but more often architectural or asphalt. These shingles are constructed with a fiberglass mat foundation and are coated on both sides with a specific bituminous mixture. They feature a colored face on the front side. This is how shingles obtain their outstanding aesthetic characteristics. Roofing shingles have a vast palette of colors that allow you to design your home in any style, from Baroque to Gothic, classical to hi-tech.
The advantages of roofing shingles
Here are advantages of using roofing shingles on your home:
1. Versatility
Shingles can be used on various roof slopes, forms, and shapes. B shingles can cover any roof, including a cross-hipped roof and a Dutch gable.
2. Durability
People often believe that metal roofs are stronger and more durable. However, it has been observed that classic bitumen roofing shingles can withstand adverse weather conditions. It can also keep water and snow out of the house. Furthermore, if properly fitted, they can last for up to 30 years or more.
3. Inhibits Algae Growth
The majority of the roofs have algae growth issues. Wooden roofs, for example, are more susceptible to blue-green algae growth. However, roofing shingles have no such problem because the substance prevents algae growth. This aspect preserves both the color and the condition of the roof.
4. Noise Reduction
Multilayer roofing shingles can insulate sound. The total roofing system made of bitumen shingles can prevent any sound from entering the house (whether it's a strong downpour or a storm).
5. Flexible
A flexible roofing shingle is essential for impact resistance and temperature variations.