Sterlite Power, a provider of power transmission systems, received orders in the June quarter of this fiscal year totaling Rs 1,300 crore. According to a corporate release, the new orders obtained on both local and foreign markets were added to the business's overall order book of Rs 5,200 crore from the prior fiscal year.
According to the corporation, it received orders for its Global Goods & Services division, which offers specialized Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services as well as high-performance, green goods. With the help of these orders, the corporation is able to solidify its position across borders in places like the Middle East, Africa, the European Union, and the Americas.
“Our strong order book is a testament to the confidence that our customers have in our capabilities and expertise. We expect a robust order booking for all our products in Q2 as well”, Manish Agarwal, CEO, Global Products & Services, said in the statement.
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