L&T Construction, a sizable order worth between Rs 2500 crore and Rs 5000 crore has been placed for their Transportation Infrastructure business sector. The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) awarded the business the Dahisar Bhayander Bridge project in Mumbai for the development of a 4.5 km long bridge connecting Dahisar and Bhayander. The project, according to the business, "will significantly reduce the travel time between Dahisar and Bhayander, which currently takes over 45 minutes".
Two distinct carriageways, a multi-level interchange, and Dahisar and Bhayander will be included in the 4.5 kilometre link to provide for smooth entry and exit. Two substantial navigational spans will be included in the project along the creek. According to the company, L&T is already working on two packages of the coveted Mumbai Coastal Road projects for the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). Significant orders range in value from Rs 1000 to Rs 2500 crore, large orders from Rs 2500 to Rs 5000 crore, major orders from Rs 5000 to Rs 7000 crore, and mega orders from Rs 7000 and above. A $23 billion international company, Larsen & Toubro is involved in EPC projects, high-tech manufacturing, and services. It works internationally in more than 50 nations.
L&T's order book is strong, and the company's market cap and share price are at all-time highs, according to a letter to staff written earlier by the organization's newly appointed Chairman & Managing Director, S N Subrahmanyan. He declared that the business is committed to continuing to do things that will honour both India and the rest of the world. "We must have faith in technology and continue to take advantage of its enormous potential to increase our productivity and efficiency".
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