On Feb 13, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana rooftop solar scheme, which involves an investment of over ₹75,000 crore. The scheme, which was first announced on January 22 as Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana, aims to light up 10 million households and provide them with free electricity of up to 300 units every month. The central government will provide substantive subsidies directly into the consumers' bank accounts and heavily concessional bank loans to enable this. The PM stated that all stakeholders will be integrated into a National Online Portal, which will further convenience.
The interim budget also proposed the rooftop solar segment, outlining that 10 million households will be enabled to get up to 300 units of free electricity every month under the scheme. Modi also said that urban local bodies and panchayats will be incentivized to promote rooftop solar installations in their jurisdictions to popularize the scheme.
The scheme will generate more income, fewer power bills, and employment opportunities for households. After the PM announced the scheme in January, power minister RK Singh stated that the Centre wanted to increase the subsidy for rooftop solar projects for households to 60% of the capital cost from 40% currently, aiming at the lower and lower-middle-class. Singh also mentioned that all power public sector undertakings (PSUs) will implement the program by forming special-purpose vehicles.
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