The electronics industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in India where a major section of the society is handholding smartphones or tablets, or they are delved into working in laptops, wh...
The electronics industry is the back-bone of development across many sectors in our country including agriculture, healthcare and more and is one of the key sectors identified by the Government
COVID-19 has revealed the fragility of the global medical and health, food, electricity, cars, telecommunications equipment, electronics, and numerous other products’ supply chains.
Lighting solutions have traveled a lot, from the bright flame of a lantern in ancient times to the titanium filament bulb. Then switching to the lava lamps to wall lamps, from LED simple lights to ...
A utomotive is one Industry that has been the fastest in adopting new processes & technology to enhance production efficiency. Over a period, the industry has made rapid progress towards scaling up...
The impact of COVID-19 on workers and workplaces across the globe have been unforeseen and it has interrupted the norms of normal, be it work culture, employee experience....
As of today, around 70 percent of critical Key Starting Materials (KSMs) and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)are imported. The PLlscheme is meant for promotion of domestic manufacturing of ...
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