The vibrant metropolis of Bengaluru unfolds a tale of determination, passion, and unwavering commitment to excellence. It is the story of Prakash V, Managing Director at Elvee Springs, a manufacturer of precision springs and wire forms. With a career spanning over four and a half decades, Prakash's journey epitomizes the transformative power of grit and vision. Prakash's story begins humbly in 1977 when his eldest brother helped him secure a machine helper’s job in a spring company. 15-year-old Prakash walked a daily round trip of 12 kilometres to his workplace while pursuing his education. Little did he know that this humble beginning would set the stage for his ascent to become an industry leader.
Digvijay Gaikwad
CEO, Veena Springs
A strategic leader with a decade of experience, skilled in polymer chemistry & research skills, manufacturing and more
Farooq Shaikh
CEO, Shama Springs Industries
A business leader with 18 years of experience, skilled in engineering & manufacturing engineering, healthcare management and more
H R Suryanarayana
Managing Partner, Hindustan Spring
A prominent figure in the industry brings over four decades of invaluable experience and expertise with relentless dedication, has an exceptional ability to leverage the strengths of the team members
Kamal Lala
CEO, Priya Quality Spring
An industry expert offering rich quality springs to varied industries since years with expertise in manufacturing springs, providing products according to client specifications and requirements
Meghana Mahesh
Director- Operations & Business Development, Macho Engineering Industries
A seasoned leader with experience in managing operations, passionate about technology, innovation and sustainability, worked on multiple digital marketing campaigns and strategies for hospitality industry
Nitin Garg
Director, Protopower Springs
A passionate leader with 24 years of experience with expertise in automotive & business strategy, strategic planning and more
Prakash V
Managing Director, Elvee Springs
A visionary leader with a career spanning over four and a half decades with leadership philosophy revolving around exemplifying a passion for improvement and problem-solving through his actions and motivating employees to embrace the same level of dedication
Prashant Koshti
Manager- Marketing, International Industrial Springs
An emerging leader with close to one decade of experience and skills in designing and improving the manufacturing process to enhance quality product through the firm
Pulin Shah
Managing Director, Precision Global Springs
A highly experienced and results-driven leader of spring manufacturing with a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the industry, have successfully led and managed manufacturing operations and more
Shanker Narayan
Group CFO, Stumpp Schuele & Somappa
A dynamic leader with 30 years experience in investment banking with expertise across fund raise, financial management , investor and board management, independent director & corporate governance and more
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