Procter & Gamble India has announced the appointment of Kumar Venkatasubramanian as the new CEO for its country operations, effective May 1. Venkatasubramanian will succeed LV Vaidyanathan, who is set to depart the company after 28 years of dedicated service to pursue other interests.
Venkatasubramanian, an alumnus of IIM Calcutta with nearly 24 years of experience, is currently the CEO of P&G's business in Australia and New Zealand. He previously led the sales team in P&G India until 2020, bringing a wealth of experience and insights into the Indian market.
Stanislav Vecera, President of P&G Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa, expressed confidence in Venkatasubramanian's leadership abilities, highlighting his prior contributions to the Indian organization. Vecera emphasized Venkatasubramanian's familiarity with the Indian market and his track record of executing successful business strategies.
During his tenure in Australia and New Zealand, Venkatasubramanian spearheaded several impactful initiatives, including P&G's notable partnership with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. His return to India is anticipated to further drive growth and innovation in P&G's operations within the country.
Venkatasubramanian expressed his enthusiasm about returning to the Indian market, emphasizing his commitment to understanding consumer needs and delivering exceptional results. He outlined plans to focus on a portfolio of daily-use products, emphasizing performance and excellence across various aspects of the business strategy.
With Venkatasubramanian at the helm, P&G India aims to continue its momentum of delivering consistent results and achieving balanced top and bottom-line growth. His appointment signifies P&G's dedication to serving the Indian market effectively while maintaining its commitment to excellence and innovation.
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