On Monday, Kotak Mahindra Bank announced changes to its senior management team. In an exchange filing, the company announced that KVS Manian has been re-designated as the new Joint MD, effective March 1, 2024. Manian was the bank's full-time director and key managerial personnel.
Shanti Ekambaram, who is currently a full-time Director, has been appointed as the Deputy MD, effective March 1, 2024. Devang Gheewalla, the current Chief Financial Officer (CFO), has been appointed as President and Group Chief Financial Officer, effective April 1, 2024. This is due to Jaimin Bhatt's superannuation on March 31, 2024, according to the company.
The bank has appointed Milind Nagnur as its Chief Operating Officer, effective April 1, 2024. He currently serves as the bank's Chief Technology Officer.
"It may be noted that Mr. Nagnur shall continue to be the Bank's Chief Technology Officer and will also be responsible for Operations of the Bank as also the Group Technology Architecture and Cyber Security," according to the company's filing.
Another member, Paul Parambi, the Bank's current Chief Risk Officer, has been promoted to Group Chief Risk Officer, effective March 1, 2024.
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