Union Minister Pralhad Joshi announced on Monday that India has been re-elected as the President of the Indian Solar Alliance (ISA) for the term from 2024 to 2026. This announcement was made during the 7th General Assembly of the ISA, where France was also re-elected as the Vice-President of the organization.
Joshi highlighted that India's continued presidency reflects the significant efforts made by the country, particularly under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, to promote solar energy adoption globally and attract investment for essential solar projects, such as mini-grids and healthcare solutions.
The assembly also elected eight Vice Presidents for the Standing Committee, two from each of the four ISA geographical regions:
- Africa Region: Ghana and Seychelles as Vice Presidents, with South Sudan and the Comoros as Vice-Chairs.
- Asia and the Pacific Region: Australia and Sri Lanka as Vice Presidents, with United Arab Emirates and Papua New Guinea serving as Vice-Chairs.
- Europe and Others Region: Germany and Italy were chosen as Vice Presidents, along with Greece and Norway as Vice-Chairs.
- Latin America and the Caribbean Region: Grenada and Suriname will lead as Vice Presidents, while Jamaica and Haiti will act as Vice-Chairs.
Additionally, the ISA member countries selected Ashish Khanna as the Director General Designate, who will take office in March 2025, succeeding the current Director General, Ajay Mathur. This re-election underscores India's commitment to enhancing global collaboration in solar energy initiatives and furthering sustainable development goals.
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