On February 24, Indian business tycoon Gautam Adani met with Uber's CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, to discuss a potential strategic partnership between their companies. The partnership's goal is to roll out Adani's electric passenger vehicles on Uber's ride-hailing platform to boost the popularity of Adani's super app, Adani One. Adani One, launched in 2022, offers various services, including booking flights, vacation packages, and airport services. With the addition of Uber integration, it may also provide taxi booking services.
Adani and Khosrowshahi appreciated their conversation and shared their vision for Indian growth. Khosrowshahi highlighted Uber's commitment to accelerating the transition to electric vehicles in India. At the same time, Adani plans to expand its presence in the electric vehicle industry by entering the passenger vehicle market.
Despite not being a car manufacturer, Adani already has significant internal needs for electric vehicles in its ports and airport operations. Adani plans to purchase vehicles, brand them, and add them to Uber's fleet. Meanwhile, Uber is working toward transforming into a zero-emission mobility platform by replacing its existing fleet with electric vehicles worldwide by 2040.
Adani has also bid for 3,600 electric buses that the government has put out through tenders. This partnership with Uber will help Adani achieve its goal of investing $100 billion in various industries, including energy transition, over the next ten years. Adani is constructing a massive solar farm with 10 GW of solar manufacturing capacity to produce electricity from sunlight. Additionally, it is working on EV charging stations and battery replacement.
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