According to a recent research report by BCC Research, the global carbide tools market is anticipated to reach USD 16.0 billion by 2026.The carbide tooling industry is booming, and the demand cannot even be met in a timely manner by the distribution, development, and creation of new carbide cutting tools. Therefore, owing to this continuous surge in demand, suppliers of cutting tools are working diligently to handle the heavy load of developing more innovative and high-performance cutting tool products to meet such overwhelming demand.
One such company offering a broad product range centered around highly specialized solid carbide tools for machining operations is Inovatools. The company not only offers standard solutions with a range of over 10,000 products that are placed in its main catalog but also offers individual tailor-made special tools as per the client’s requirements. It constantly develops new tools with new material, geometry, and coating to enhance productivity with increased tool life and reduced cycle time. As machining strategies are changing with the least material removal and with high accuracy, tools offered by Inovatools are being developed to support this requirement.
The main components of Inovatools’ portfolio include mills and drills for mainly steel, stainless steel, and aluminum processing and tools for thread milling, tapping, and forming tools. As a standard tooling solution Inovatools offers tools
with accuracy up to 3 microns which are being well appreciated by many of its customers who have been using these tools for more than a decade, now.
A Reliable Partner
Inovatools has a wide range of digital services which the company is constantly expanding. “We aim to support our customers through the entire value chain. The VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world we are living in, is characterized by high volatility and complexity. Having the right strategies is more important than ever before. We are investing in digital technologies, working on the organizational transformation to stay in the future as successful as we are today,” affirms Memo IIdirar, Director, Inovatools. This change of perspective in a digital, networked world makes Innovatools a reliable partner for its customers, rather than just a tool manufacturer.
Flexibility, Competitive Pricing, best value proposition, technical consultancy, and after-sales prove out are some of the major factors that differentiate Inovatools from the other players in this landscape. Besides its modern machine-park, Innovatools has a quality management system that is certified as per DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015.
We are investing in digital technologies, working on the organizational transformation to stay in the future as successful as we are today
“The high-quality standards of our products, the favorable locations of our facilities, and the resulting flexibility in our service processes combined with the high competence of our team allow us to completely satisfy every customer requirements in those applications with the most exacting requirements,” says MemoIIdirar.
Helping customers determine the optimal machining strategy “Service and customer proximity are very important to us. As a competent and reliable technology partner we accompany our customers during the entire “design to manufacture" process,” he adds. Inovatools’ specialists support customers in the selection and use of precision tools and work with them to determine the optimal machining strategy. The company offers complete round tools package solutions for various industries such as Automobile, Aerospace, Die mold, oil & gas, etc.
“Knowledge and innovative capacity are vital factors for success in the global competition. Our goal is to increase the value of our company systematically and continuously through profitable, sustainable growth and by staying focused on business sectors that promise development opportunities,” concludes Memo IIdirar.
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