Automotive industry is actually going through a very big change. What has not been seen in the last 100 years is happening now. Especially, in the last couple of years, we have witnessed several....
Industry Outlook in interaction with Shibu M S, Manager – Marketing, Radiant Design. Starting as an Associate - Design Engineer, he has held various positions at Radiant Design.
Supply chains have evolved steadily over the years, moving from a functional focus to vertical integration to eventually becoming more horizontally integrated.
During the last 10 years, the automotive market in developed countries has mostly witnessed minimal disruption and maintained consistent production.
Unfortunately, the pandemic still won’t loosen its grip on the world, and this winter again many activities will need to take place online – from Christmas shopping to events and celebrations.
India is one of the youngest countries globally and has the second most number of internet users after China.
As present-day technology is all set for a revolutionary shift, the announcement about Metaverse triggered intense debates about the prospects of Augmented Reality.
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