Subhash Sethi, Chairman, SPML Infra Limited in interaction with Industry Outlook, shares his thoughts on how the wastewater management is evolving in India
Globally, ransomware attacks have been one of the biggest threats to cybersecurity, particularly in the healthcare sector.
Technology and technology utilisation are the key drivers of the manufacturing innovation and productivity enhancement, pushing the substantial and rapid transformation the
Nowadays, there is a discussion happening all over the world ‘Climate Change’. People are often heard talking about our environment and the rising temperature of the earth’s climate.
Sustainability and electric vehicles - the buzzwords of the twenty-first century!
A green building concept focuses on the inter relationship between the building and its surrounding so that the building does not have any negative impacts.
In response to the rise in demand for food along with the growing population, a promising production revolution, “Precision Agriculture” has been making progress.
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