Adopting sustainable energy practices can help these countries get a step closer to building a renewable future, but also solve major energy crises such as oil shortages, fuel depletion, and even p...
IIoT is the Industrial internet of things, which is the IoT in industrial applications. It is merely the process of extracting analog data from machines in the factory, converting them to digital d...
The API Industry in India has been evolving and growing over the years, with a well-established pre-existing supply base for both local and global markets.
With Covid-19 pandemic radically transforming the way how we live and work, its impact on workplace dynamics is....
Globally, India ranks fourth in renewable energy capacity and wind power and fifth in solar power capacity.
The data ecosystem is increasingly helping Indian farmers grow the right crops in the right way and with a better connection to markets, information, finance and agri-inputs and services.
As Web 3.0 technologies march towards maturity, the next stage of the evolution of the internet is rewriting the first principles of winning customers.
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