Five large investment proposals amounting to Rs 6000 crore have been approved by the government of Gujarat. The investment will be done by four companies in diverse sectors. The companies will be setting up their manufacturing facilities in Dholera and Halol.
The state industries and mines department has approved a proposal of ReNew Saksham Urja Private Limited (a 100% subsidiary of ReNew Power Private Limited), which has pledged an investment of over Rs 4,000 crore investment to set up a 2 to 4 GW solar module, cell manufacturing and lithium-ion battery production plant at Dholera. Government has approved 100-acre land allocation for the said project at Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR).
Baby diaper manufacturing brand Avgol’s proposal for setting up a Rs 1,000 crore new technical textile plant at Halol has also been approved. The company has proposed to manufacture technical textile products and hygiene products at their Gujarat plant.
Leading furniture manufacturing company Merino’s proposal to establish a plant with an investment of Rs 630 crore at Halo has been approved. Merino has proposed setting up facilities for wood processing for particle board, pressing for particle board, pressing for pre-lam particles board, coating on pre-lam particles board, coating on pre-lam particle board, and cutting edging and drilling of furniture.
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