| |AUGUST 20229Key growth drivers for India's pharma & healthcare industry:· Re-innovating & re-purposing products: India has already established itself as the pharmacy of the world. However, I believe reverse pharmacology holds tremendous potential going forward as it will allow the industry to reinvent and re-innovate many medicines with the help of chemicals/plants. It will also allow us to repurpose a number of generics which will be the biggest differentiator for Made-in-India generics· Identify Solutions & Delivery Mechanisms for New Viruses: While the world has been focussed on oral and intravenous drugs, I believe innovation in solutions and modes of delivery such as inhalation holds significant potential. We have seen a few excellent pilots in the current pandemic and I think this presents a fantastic opportunity for Indian pharma to further explore. · Technology Oriented Growth: Ability to leverage technology will continue to be a key driver for the industry. Digitalized technology such as nano technology in generics, slow-release generics and studying new systems of delivery for generics will drive the next level of growth. Technology can also play a pivotal role in drastically reducing the time to market for new products and ensure products are available to users within a span of few months.· Nutritional Supplements in Generics: The pandemic has already shifted the focus from `cure' to `prevention' and brought nutritional supplements front and centre. This segment will emerge as another key growth driver for the pharma industry and open up new markets in even rural areas with paying capacity. · Access & Affordability: Driving access and affordability has been a key factor in India's emergence as the world's largest producer of generic drugs. These elements will continue to dominate the Indian pharma industry narrative both from a generic drugs as well as patient centric technological innovation perspective. Universal healthcare denotes a broad term wherein the Government ensures access to quality healthcare services for all its citizens while ensuring the use of these services does not result in financial hardships to those who avail of it
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