| | OCTOBER 20216Changing dynamics of commoditiesIndustrial Automation in 2020-Trends & StrategyBaseline IT Transformation in Digital eraHemp ­ A New Player in the Green-Gifting Revolution3D Printed Models- Highly Precise Deformity Correction Treatment MethodDigitization of Energy for Green WorldHow Wave Form Technology is Bringing Accuracy to WeldingBy Narinder Wadhwa, President, Commodity Participant Association of IndiaDivy Shrivastava, Co-Founder & CEO, Nineleaps Technology SolutionsShibin Chulliparambil, Head of IT, Mafatlal Industries LimitedYash Kotak, Co-founder and Director, BOHECODr. Pradeep Moonot, Orthopedic Surgeon & Pediatrist, Mumbai Knee Foot and Ankle ClinicAnil Chaudhry, MD & Zone President, Schneider Electric19233408283214VANTAGE POINT THOUGHT CENTRALVIVID OUTLOOKAFTER WORD INDUSTRY PANORAMACONTENTSCONTRIBUTORS
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