AUGUST 202419In an exclusive interview with Industry Outlook magazine, Kamal Verma, CEO of Water Business Group, Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd, shares his view on how the PPP Model is driving Technology Adoption, how technological advancements Facilitate Efficient Water Management and more. He is an expert civil engineering professional with over 35 years of cross-functional experience handling EPC and infrastructure development projects for numerous conglomerates across India. INDUSTRY INSIGHTSEMERGING TRENDS REVOLUTIONIZING SEWAGE TREATMENT & WATER MANAGEMENT IN INDIABeing the most populated country in the world today, India is home of with 17 percent of global population and with only four percent of global freshwater water stock. As a result, we are currently facing a severe scarcity of fresh water across the country, and this is expected to worsen even further in the coming days if not addressed effectively. One of the primary reasons that is aggravating the water shortage issue in the country is the over-exploitation of groundwater, wherein we extract more water than the US and China combined. Thus, there is an immediate requirement for India to adopt effective water management practices such as water conservation, efficient water distribution across urban areas, reduction of non-revenue water, and most importantly, recycling & reuse of wastewater for municipal and industrial purposes. The government too is now proposing regulations to ban the usage of groundwater for industrial processes. Additionally, the Power Ministry of India has already made it mandatory for all thermal plants within a 50km radius to use treated sewage water for their processes.PPP Model Driving Technology AdoptionSince the operation and maintenance period is 15 years in HAM/ PPP models, companies are extremely vigilant in Kamal VermaCEO By Kamal Verma, CEO of Water Business Group, Triveni Engineering & Industries
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