| | OCTOBER 20228INDUSTRY INSIGHTSCLIMATE CHANGE & BUILDINGSBy Ar. Gaurav Sood, GM - Design & Development, ATS InfrastructureN owadays, there is a discussion happening all over the world `Climate Change'. People are often heard talking about our environ-ment and the rising temperature of the earth's climate. The root cause of this problem can be majorly divided into two parts, i.e., Natural and Human In-fluence. We cannot do much about the Nature's role in this, but we surely can do something about the little things which are directly or indirectly in our control. Our life is based on the oxygen that we inhale, and the beauty is that we cannot generate it on our own. Liv-ing in Delhi-NCR, I can relate to the se-verity of increasing carbon content in the atmosphere. The newspapers show PM 2.5 and PM 10 levels on daily basis, which is way beyond the acceptable limits. The Capital suffocates with each breathe it takes. There are several things that can make a difference, without much of an effort. People are using car pools, saying NO to plastic, taking care of the plants and also creating awareness in respective neighborhoods. Gov-ernment is doing their bit by moving towards cleaner fuel, and increasing public transport network. Carbon footprint is a term that is used more often. In a broader perspective it can be explained as the amount of Car-bon Dioxide produced to ease-out things in our day to day life.
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