| |MARCH 202119THOUGHT CENTRAL O ur lives are connected. Connected at both extrinsic and intrinsic levels with each other, our nature and on a larger scale to this universe. Now to sustain this life, irrespective of variegated needs of individuals, we have been consuming since the dawn of civilization. Alarmingly the growing needs, services, and industrial systems demanded by society has provoked in the last century a great impact on the planet, contributing to the increase in the Metabolic Rift. The metabolic rift corresponds with the existing distance between the natural capital (provided by the planet) and the social capital; it is also defined by the consumption of energy resources and materials caused by the humans' economic activities. The mitigation of the metabolic rift is the origin of the current framework that is used to structure and manage Sustainable Manufacturing (SM) from the three dimensions known as: Economic Capital--economy, Environmental capital--ecology and Human capital--equity. They interact as a whole and in establishing the triple bottom line (TBL or 3E) to achieve three objectives: (1) improve the economic, environmental and human performance, simultaneously; (2) reintegrate the natural ecosystems; and (3) mitigate the metabolic rift leading us to the currently accepted definition of Sustainability: sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations, to meet their own needs.SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK IN MACHINING Sustainability in machining can be assured by reducing energy consumption for machining processes, minimizing waste (less generation of waste and increasing the recycling of waste) and minimizing Carbon footprint of machining processes. The basic framework of Sustainability in machining which consists of the major Strategies which with the help 6 key drivers constructs 3 pillars of Sustainability is well represented in the image.SUSTAINABILITY IS ABOUT CO-EXISTENCE BETWEEN 3ES - ECONOMY, ECOLOGY & EQUITYBy Vivek Tomar, Vice President, Ceratizit India Private LimitedVivek is having experience of more than two decades in metal cutting tool industries & responsible for Project Management, Product Management, Application Engineering & Technical Centre in India for Ceratizit GroupVivek Tomar
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