JULY 202419TOP 10TRANSACTION ADVISORY FIRMS - 2024Often we witness radical mergers and acquisitions in business, we have also witnessed these acquisitions making and breaking businesses. When Disney acquired Pixar in 2006, Pixar succeeded in makingsome o the greatest industry hits and became a successful film studio of Disney. On the other hand, Time Warner acquiring AOL in2000 turned out to be a wrong decision. The combined company suffered a huge loss within one year. Thus Effective decision making plays an important role in the growth and expansion of business. Business is complex with huge financial transactions, complex processes of acquiring, merging, capital raising and many more. The major aim of transaction advisory services is to provide businesses with the right information they need to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and maximize value during these transactions. The role of due diligence is crucial in financial transactions. Major businesses considering any significant financial transaction must thoroughly examine the financial health and performance of the organisation they are going to take over. Transaction advisory services provide scrutiny and insight into this process. They help businesses analyze financial statements, identify potential risks, and determine the true value of the target or acquirer. As business always shows the potential of an adverse outcome, transaction advisory services helps to detect and mitigate these risks. They also provides expertise in the areas where cost savings can be achieved, where operational efficiencies can be improved, and where revenue growth is possible.Industry Outlook in this issue presents a list of `Top 10 Transaction Advisory Firms - 2024' who are the major players in the industry. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts, and our editorial board. We recognize their valuable contribution to the ever expanding and competitive market and their ability to sustain themselves and emerge as top contestants through their reliable products
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