| |APRIL 202119THOUGHT CENTRALBy Rashid Hashim, Vice President and Head of Manufacturing, L&T Mitsubishi Hitachi Power SystemsT he current pandemic has posed several challenges to every in-dustry and has forced us to eval-uate our present way of functioning. The following is a brief on the current trends, scenario and how technology will transform the way we do business in the new normal era.I have captured those aspects which are predominantly pertinent to the capital goods industry.POLICY MATTERS:The Government has accorded permis-sion to private players for commercial coal mining which is likely to pave the way for modernisation of this sec-tor and hopefully bring rapid strides in productivity gains. India with its abundant coal reserves cannot afford to ignore this reliable source of energy even in today`s context of environment concerns which is covered later in this article. This opening up of the coal mining will cascade down to the Power sector whose dependence on imported coal will diminish if not totally vanish. Thermal power would still continue to meet India's base load power needs for the foreseeable future. In India, the debate of coal versus renewable among policy makers is most likely to change and stabilize towards a clear direction of a blend of coal and renewable.CURRENT INDUSTRY TRENDS AND MARKET SCENARIO, CHANGES IN POLICY, USAGE OF TECHNOLOGY IN VARIOUS ASPECTS
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