FEBRUARY 20255 API 682 complete product range. Pusher seals. Agitator & mixer seals. Metal bellows seals. Split seals. Engineered seals. Dry gas seals. Steam turbine seals. Seal Supply Systems. Gas seal panels. Automatic top up units. Magnetic couplings. Carbon floating ring seals. Gaskets & packings. A legendary company with 51 years of experience in providing sealing solutions. 21 Sales branches. 5 Service centers. 3 Production sites. GreenCo certified company following sustainable business practices. Centre of excellence R&D center approved by Ministry of Science and Technology, GoI. Dynamic test facility. Non-contact seals refurbishing and testing. One of its kind mobile servicing facilities for quick, on-site support for service & repairs. Rely on Excellence Meeting Global Standards For queries please contact us at: Corporate office - EagleBurgmann India Pvt. Ltd., Plot No 64, Survey No.91/B, Ramtekdi Industrial Estate, Hadapsar *Pune -411013, INDIA, Tel: -91 -20-26508100 ­ website - www.eagleburgmann.co.in EEaagglleeBBuurrggmmaannnn IInnddiiaa PPrroodduucctt PPoorrttffoolliioo :: MMeecchhaanniiccaall SSeeaallss We are a global organisation providing industrial sealing solutions catering to a wide range of industry segments. Oil and gas Upstream Chemical Industry Paper and Pulp Petrochemical industry Refinery technology Pharmaceutical industry Power industry Food and beverage industry Aerospace Water and waste water technology Oil and gas Midstream Special applications Our Certifications Our Approvals 1.SAUDI ARAMCO. 2.EIL. 3.IOCL. 4. BPC L. 5. HPCL. 6. RIL. Certified to meet standards of: - Our Products Sustainable Manufacturing Ecosystem Centre of Excellence 1. ASME U Designator & CE / PED. 2. ABS, IRS & DNV. 3. AS 1210, DOSH & ARH.
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