| |NOVEMBER 20209helping convert working practice to logic so that the machine can appreciate reasons and procedures to complete certain tasks that were done by humans. Also, in case of sudden changes, one will still need humans to optimize and make a decision. For example, in the case of COVID, if the factory load reduces, it is still a call that human beings have to take for stoppage of work or reducing to a three-day week schedule, rather than follow an optimized schedule churned out by a machine. I think still a majority of `reference-to context' roles will remain with humans.Employers in receiving countries take a different position; they have shortages of skilled people in specific fields and can drain a developing country of expertise by providing job opportunities. Please elaborate on how higher allocation in research and development funds can help in preserving the talent pool and reverse the brain drain in India?I think most progressive countries will continue to attract the best of brains into their country as these create wealth and along with it, jobs. Our government also needs these to get taxes on a sus-tainable basis and run a state. It's also the reason that both Russia and China restricted the movement of people overseas since the 1990s. While Russia did have a strong research program, it did not stop people from trying to go to the USA. I think this helps us understand that only research and development funds are not the answer, people want to know they will be able to use and com-mercialize this technology and whether such opportunities are available in the country of their origin and will be a determining factor on where they choose to live. But to answer the question, I think enhancing R&D funds will help develop new technologies and will keep some of the best brains in the country engaged so that the country can get something back for all the subsidies they provide to universities and research organizations.Modern technology is the need of the hour in the manufactur-ing industry's shift towards digitization and distancing in post-COVID days. How does the adoption of new technologies such as AR/VR, Blockchain, Data Analytics, etc. help in compet-ing with western counterparts? All these technologies are different and they support a number of activities in different ways. But they will not make a com-pany which is not innovative by nature, suddenly an innovator. Technologies like AR and VR are great for providing field sup-port and training. Although they are not a complete substitute for vocational training. On the other hand, better data analyt-ics and maybe a step before that which is better data collection because of sensors, etc will help businesses understand process adherence issues, monitor efficiencies, and thus make informed decisions. Blockchain on the other hand will provide traceability and accountability on transactions, especially if it's used within a company. I agree that all these technologies will help us work better remotely and will also flatten the organization. I also be-lieve Indian companies would need more than just these technol-ogies to compete with their western counterparts and that would be in effect a cultural change, enhancing focus on the skilled workforce and understanding about optimal automation.3D Printing provides cost-effectiveness with its focus on lean manufacturing. The defense, aerospace, healthcare and auto-motive industries have been early adopters of 3D Printing in India. How do you think 3D Printing is going to change the man-ufacturing industry? 3D printing is a fantastic technology and like all technolo-gies, companies need to evaluate the one that is easy to monetize for the business. I think matching your business to the appro-priate technology is the key to getting a good return from it. 3D printing varies from printing metals to plastics to moulds and so it has the ability to make a massive change to industries that are more specialised/bespoke and where there is a lower level of repeatability. However, the printer beds get the larger grouping of specialized items into batches will provide a disruptive ad-vantage on cost.Which technologies do you think have massive potential for the manufacturing industry but are yet to be implemented in the industry? I don't think there is a dearth of technologies available today to enhance our productivity in the manufacturing process. I believe most have been talked about in this interaction. But in times like these, we realise that it's really important to connect with people. The objective of all these technologies is to save time and not hassle humans with repetitive tasks. The objective is to ensure humans stop firefighting and have time to think about the next big thing for their organisation. We need to use this time to en-gage with our people, guide them and help them understand the vision of our companies so they can direct their thoughts and efforts effectively and we can get the best out of them. We need to engage with our people, guide them and help them understand the vision of our companies so they can direct their thoughts and efforts effectively and we can get the best out of them
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