| |OCTOBER 202019IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY AND ITS AFTER AFFECTSBy Manish Bansal, CEO and Director, Window MagicC OVID outbreak is causing a major concern and eco-nomic hardship for consumers, businesses, and communities across the globe. Almost every in-dustry has been badly affected by this pandemic, and this comes as yet another blow for the windows and doors man-ufacturing industry. The lockdown was imposed suddenly to the economy without giving time to people to understand the situation and to manage its businesses. No one was outfitted for this.With millions of people in completely or partially lock-down, the pandemic has pushed societies to quickly and dramatically change in how we work, communicate, social-ize, and consume products and services. Even after the re-laxation given by the government, no guidelines were given to manufacturing industries to reopen their factories. With the shutters closed, the industry had been handicapped and this has affected the livelihood of many. Manufacturing units have already suffered a huge loss, the service providers were still functioning from their homes but industry units have been affected badly, thus the livelihood of those associated with the industry is at stake.In this uncertain time, almost 90percent of the work-force had gone back to their native places, leaving manu-facturers in the lurch. Both the public and private sectors have been scrambling to slow the spread of the illness and contain COVID-19 infections. While the full economic con-sequences of this black swan event are still unclear, we know that the effects that the virus - and the drastic mea-sures being taken to contain it and are already precipitat-ing change across industries.Manufacturing Industries is looking at refurbishing tools and technologies and the methods that motivate the next generation workforce. Industries have decided on how to go about the future, post lockdown industry has taught its workers the new standards expected from them. A few THOUGHT CENTRAL Manish Bansal, CEO and Director
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