| | JUNE 20228This year's COP-26 summit has pushed the world one step closer towards sustainability. How do you perceive India's development towards sustain-able packaging? What are the factors driving the growth of sustainable packaging in India?COP-26 has reiterated the commitment by nations in rising up to the challenge of climate change. The targets announced by India on emissions reduction, renewable energy and net-zero certainly are a guiding signal for every sector in the country to ramp up their corporate action plans. From a packaging standpoint, plastic waste continues to pose a threat to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and is one of the key environmental challenges faced today. In line with this, the industry has also doubled down on the innovation quotient by developing robust eco-friendly packaging alternatives. Interestingly, the demand from customers, both end customers and institutional customers are also increasing significantly as they become aware of the ill effects of plastic packaging and the wider availability of equivalent eco-friendly packaging. Transforming the waste management system and improving citizen awareness in the country, coupled with structural reforms will play a key role in supporting India's mission towards becoming plastic-free. Programs including Swach Bharat, Plastic Hackathon campaigns, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) are also driving a positive change and impacting the growth of sustainable packaging in the market.THE WAY TO SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING FOR INDIABy Mahesh Pratap Singh, Head ­ Sustainability & Social Responsibility, FlipkartMahesh Pratap Singh,Head ­ Sustainability & Social ResponsibilityINDUSTRY INSIGHTS
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