| |JUNE 202219park dining. At the same time, the capabilities underpin an employee experience that enables hotel front desk personnel to track arriving guests so they can anticipate and correct travel bottlenecks while providing higher levels of service to concierge guests.Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is KeyThe backbone of both the employee and customer experience is communication. Only the correct communication tools will suffice for firms focused on Total Experience. That's because isolated applications may exacerbate fragmentation and reduce efficiency, both of which are huge roadblocks to TX.The number of business applications used by enterprises of all kinds is increasing; approximately 10 percent of companies use more than 200 distinct apps. This app bloat has implications, even if each individual solution delivers vital functionalities: 69 percent of workers say they lose an hour a day switching between different digital solutions, and 56 percent say having to search for information across many applications disrupts their productivity.However, with TX, the employees and customers will be directed to one single window. This will not only boost their productivity, but will also open the way for effective communication. For example, Dominoes has developed a method in which a consumer may place an order for food using their mobile app, and then go to the designated chain and pick-up their meal within the allotted time, obviating the need to wait in line.Business is more Remote, Virtual, DistributedTX aims to find intersections between customer, employee, and user experience in order to assist businesses in deploying the most effective solutions that will move the needle across the board. Due to the changes and limits put on digital companies--and the corporate world at large--over the last year by the COVID-19 epidemic.Internal and customer-facing operations have grown more remote, virtual, and dispersed than ever before, thanks to lockdowns and the requirement to operate remotely. However, the transitions of 2020 will simply amplify tendencies that have been developing in the digital industry for some time: from Amazon to established software and hardware firms to startups, distributed workforce models have been a geographical requirement as well as a cost-cutting measure.The demands of satisfying customer and employee requirements and expectations while overcoming distance issues aren't going away, especially with many high-tech businesses stating that remote work is here to stay.In the FutureIn the foreseeable future, proper implementation of Total Experience will not only enhance the customer experience, but also provide the employee a better environment to work in. Not to mention, big brands will find a way to amalgamate customers and employees into one page, as this will be the feature that will set a big time difference between a good brand and great brand. TX AIMS TO FIND INTERSECTIONS BETWEEN CUSTOMER, EMPLOYEE, AND USER EXPERIENCE IN ORDER TO ASSIST BUSINESSES IN DEPLOYING THE MOST EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS THAT WILL MOVE THE NEEDLE ACROSS THE BOARD
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