| |AUGUST 20219customers agree that they had an awesome experience. That's worry-ing! This significant gap is possibly attributed to the failure of enterpris-es to derive insights from available voluminous data (big and small), in-efficiency to encash digital business models and ignorance to consumer activities across social platforms. It is now imperative for enterprises to cre-ate an Omni-channel experience that permeates across - customers, prod-ucts, employees and brand. This, how-ever, is not restricted to consumer centric businesses (B2C) but equally applicable to enterprise centric ones (B2B). In order to orchestrate a re-markable experience, it is important that enterprises save and seize the at-tention of their consumers, given the purchase journey have shortened and pain points addressed. While most en-terprises have already risen to the oc-casion to create an awesome experi-ence by embedding customer insights into all critical decisions and listening to their customers, we still witness a number of customer experience pro-grams fail. This is primarily due to the inflexible frameworks conceptualised within the corporate corridors that do not adapt or innovate as the program progresses. Being too much metrics driven rather than being outcome fo-cused leading to poor delivery of cus-tomer experiences is possibly another reason for failure. To prepare better for future, it is important to discuss what the customer experience of the future will look like. The future began yesterday! With technology enabling humanisation of experiences, enterprises need to sur-prise their customers besides being empathetic. However, respecting their privacy is of utmost importance. This is easier said than done. Today, new age technologies like Artificial Intel-ligence (AI) and predictive analytics present fresh opportunities for enter-prises to create intimate experiences by gathering digital footprints of their customers and developing an emo-tional connect when serving them. Further, Virtual Reality (VR) and Aug-mented Reality (AR) can humanise experiences by empowering custom-er to make informed decisions. For-rester's 2017 Prediction Report notes that customer experiences will have a correlation to enterprise revenue in the future.The future of customer experi-ence lies in an effective management of frameworks and technologies cou-pled with both incremental and dis-ruptive innovation followed by sound execution. While enterprises have already started embedding customer insights into critical decision mak-ing, it is important that it permeates at all levels within the corporate. The metrics should form the basis of fixing customers' pain points. Orchestrating target memories by using a customer service framework and mapping their journey will up the ante in identify-ing experiences that matter. Design thinking can facilitate in reinventing and rebuilding awe moments leverag-ing technology to reduce resistance and deliver an incredible customer experience. Another aspect that needs to be considered when working to create a great experience is being in-volved with the customer in develop-ing an emotional connect. While it is important to be ethical and transparent when approaching customers, enterprises will have to evolve with new age technologies and their impact across business process-es and customers. The demands of the connected customers' are ephemeral, and it is important to continuously innovate and adapt to be at the right place at right time to create an impres-sive experience that is everlasting. Delivering an effective and effortless experience will help enterprises cre-ate a positive connect with customers that can survive any disruption to the consumer-enterprise relationship. The future of customer experience lies in an effective management of frameworks and technologies coupled with both incremental and disruptive innovation followed by sound executionAlok Ranjan
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