| | AUGUST 20216Farmers of the Future - What change does the Digital Mandi Shift Promise?Solar Energy: Save the Planet EarthRole of Agritech in vegetable farmingTechnology enabled Supply Chains is upending Indian LogisticsSustainability in dairy farmingOverseas Procurement: A Real Challenge Faced by the Industries due to Coronavirus!Personalized Food is the FuturePost Harvest Distribution Channel: An Unresolved and Ailing IssueSanjay Borkar, Co-Founder & CEO, FarmERPAnoop Kumar Garg, Deputy General Manager - Corporate Legal, AircelDilip Rajan, Managing Director East-West Seed IndiaShantanu Roy, CIO - India and Indian Sub Continent, DB SchenkerDr. Pravin Kini, Founder & Managing Director, Tropical Animal Genetics (TAG)Bhawana Bhatnagar, Interior Stylist, Founder of Casa ExotiqueMehar Bakshi, Dietitian & Founder, DietinTejas Vyas, Director of Products, Bigbasket.com1939084627433135VANTAGE POINT THOUGHT CENTRALAFTER WORD CONTENTSCONTRIBUTORS
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