| | OCTOBER 20218T oday the industry needs an auto-mation with many aspects which are useful to them in various ways such as compatibility to Industry 4.0 concept, faster and easier communica-tion and common platform protocols.Also, it is equally important for the industry to have technology and products which should be having possibility to connect through digital platforms.Need Of Digitalisation In IndustryWe are living in a time when a simple idea can change virtually everything. Entire markets are being revolutionised by the need for perfect fit of mechanical, electrical systems along with artificial intelligence. With Industry 4.0, people, machines, and industrial processes are networked on the basis of cyber-physical systems using state-of-the-art information and communication technology. The intelligent exchange and interpretation of data determine the entire life cycle of a product from the idea to development, production, use, maintenance, and recycling.Extensive use of digitalised platforms has made possible to work seamlessly without human interference. However, many jobs in production at factories are location-bound but the basic principles of Industry 4.0 will make mobile working possible in industrial production of the future. The Pandemic has enhanced the need for digitalisation worldwide.Many companies suddenly faced a different market behaviour. Large volumes, changing demands and time bound delivery commitments have made companies to review their production processes and make it more flexible and productive. Here, digitalisation automation technology provides the remedy. Components that are intelligently networked independently, self-configuring and thus plug and produce capable, enable the systems to meet changing requirements faster.Digitalisation At Festo:Sighting the need for digitalisation, Festo launched its digital programme in 2016 the concentration was on digital developments such as cloud computing, analytics and artificial intelligence for the evaluation of large amounts of data. IT security plays a central role in all of this.As part of the digitalisation process, Festo is directing its products and services towards the smart production of the future 'Going digital'.Therefore, we at Festo provide products, technologies and services which can partner with our customers and industries and provide a collaboration for digital platform.Products such as digitally intelligent sensors and valve terminals provide the bases to the automation technology, where it works on the IO-LINK platform and provide all important data to be transfered to the network of automation.HOW DIGITALISATION IN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION IS TRANSFORMING MODERN MANUFACTURINGBy Manish Vaidya, Head of sales, Festo IndiaVANTAGE POINTManish Vaidya, Head of sales
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