| | NOVEMBER 20218VANTAGE POINTT he manufacturing industry is experiencing a paradigm shift with changing customer expectations, rising pro-duction costs, intense competition, and volatile markets. They are looking for ways to drive customer satisfaction, boost efficiency and expense factor reduction, and build a sustain-able competitive edge. To their advantage, the proliferation of next-generation intelligent technologies such as Industrial In-ternet of Things (IIoT), digital twin, artificial intelligence, ma-chine learning, and advanced analytics is presenting opportu-nities to streamline the entire manufacturing value chain and accelerate significant business outcomes. But, are manufac-turers and their suppliers equipped to quickly and effectively integrate transformational technologies with their existing enterprise systems? The answer lies in their propensity to em-brace cloud solutions.According to BCG, by this year, more than 70 percent of cor-porate workloads are expected to be running on public, hybrid, or private-cloud. And manufacturers must follow suit. Primar-ily because the cloud can deliver exceptional benefits in terms of IT cost reduction, business agility, and application perfor-mance. Some estimates suggest companies can save anywhere between 15-40 percent in IT operating costs with cloud adop-tion. Moreover, with advancements being made across com-mercially available PaaS and IaaS solutions, migrating to the cloud is becoming considerably less daunting. Manufacturing ACCELERATING NEXT-GENERATION MANUFACTURING GROWTH WITH A ROBUST CLOUD STRATEGYBy Madan Mewari, Senior Vice President, BirlasoftMadan Mewari
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