| |OCTOBER 20229As resins have had many uses during the course of mankind, today, they are increasingly getting adapted to the development of medical devicesoutdated metal devices, it is important to discuss metal device replacements with your plastic molder early in the process. Due to the price-competitiveness, considering best resin at the best value for the medical device's intended purpose and environment it's very important especially in the Indian market. It is best to notify the plastic molder of this right away to come off with the most cost-effective priced products. As resins with chemical resistant properties are the best for medical devices that are designed for reuse, one should understand that the medical devices that are designed for one time use might not require a resin with chemical-resistant characteristics. Another major factor to consider during the resin selection process is to check whether the device will be in direct human contact or might be implanted in humans. One must ensure that FDA-compliant resins which are biocompatible are used, when implanted or in direct contact with humans. Another factor would be whether the medical components will be in contact with bodily fluids/tissues or not. If it is so, it must be biocompatible. If not checked, it might result in material degradation and cause irritation, inflammation, acute toxicity, sub-chronic toxicity to humans.Advantages of Utilizing Resins in Healthcare IndustryClassified into groups called biomaterials, resins are often made into polymer plastics or adhesives. Since the 1930s, biomaterials have been used for a wide range of medical and dental applications. Biomaterials are non-toxic, biocompatible, highly flexible and adaptable due to components such as polymers made from resins. They don't cause any harm, irritation to the human body. Thus, making it and making biomaterials an ideal substance for the production of medical devices. Biomaterials Made out of Resins There are various usages of resins in the healthcare sector, including cardiovascular medical devices, such as stents and grafts, orthopaedic and dental applications, implants and tissue engineered scaffolds, ophthalmologic applications, contact lenses and retinal prostheses, burn dressings and skin substitutes, bioelectrodes and biosensors, sutures, drug delivery systems, excipients, tooth crowns and root replacements, among others. Furthermore, biomaterials made out of resins are also used in contact lenses, inlays or onlays, viscosurgical devices, glaucoma shunt surgery and vitreous replacements. Also, heart valves, endovascular stents, vascular grafts, stent grafts and other cardiovascular grafts are common medical devices in cardiovascular applications. Moreover, the biodegradable polymers also help to structure natural growth and healing after the tissue has been damaged, wherein, there are various types of `scaffold fabrication' methods used in tissue engineering; helping in regenerating the tissue as biomaterials are highly porous with the body's cells. Resin 3D-printing Today, resin 3D-printing is also getting traction in the medical and healthcare field due to the various benefits that it offers. As the medical industry is already converting X-ray scans into 3D models, these models can be 3D-printed pre-surgery models so as to be used in complex cases. This helps in understanding and practicing the procedure. Moreover, it also ensures that future complications and over engineering is controlled. Often 3D-printed in Liqcreate Premium White resin is used to make identical models that can be used by medical students to practice surgeries. And, by printing parts that are in shortage, like ventilator valves, parts for masks and test swabs, another wide-spread use of 3D-printing is to help in the fight of COVID-19.Dental Restorative Materials Resins are also used in replacing a decayed portion of tooth structure and it is called dental composite resin. As opposed to the conventional dental amalgam, the main advantage is its aesthetic appearance. Typically, it is composed of a resin-based matrix, such as bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate and inorganic filler like silica, wherein, the filler offers the composite with improved translucency, mechanical property, and wear resistance. It is the multifarious applications of resins in healthcare industry that are making it an essential raw material to be used in medical devices and equipment. At its current speed, the market is going to expand to different segments in healthcare finding new applications.
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